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Vision Impaired (SE4G)

Orientation and Mobility (SE4G(A))

Vision Impaired Services

CESA 10 VI consultants provide assessment and instructional services for students with visual impairments, as well as support for classroom and special educators. Technical support and instruction is provided for Braille technology, and communication is facilitated between medical and community-based providers.

Orientation and Mobility Services

CESA 10 O&M staff provides assessment and instruction of students who are blind or visually impaired (BVI) with the purpose of developing skills and knowledge to enable them to confidently travel in all environments safely, efficiently, and independently.


CESA 10 recruits, hires and retains quality VI and O&M instructors, supporting them in an itinerant service provider model. This allows districts to receive excellent services for lower costs, provided in the school setting. CESA 10 has hard-to-find certified staff on-board for this specialty O&M service.

For all eligible services, CESA 10 therapists/consultants document and submit information for allowable SBS/Medicaid billing and return funds to districts to offset service costs. Services may also be funded with IDEA dollars.

hands piling over hands

Districts in two CESAs received Vision-Impaired services.

kids playing

Students with Visual Impairments received services.

teachers meeting in teachers lounge

Students received Orientation and Mobility services.

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"There was nothing more amazing than when my little girl showed me what was possible with that new computer and Braille machine."


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Jennifer Eckert, Itinerant Services Coordinator