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Mental Health Consultant (SE4H)

Formally Mental Health Navigator, this service provides consultation and training to district administrators, student service staff, and educators on topics related to mental health from a master’s level Licensed Professional Counselor or equivalent mental health professional. Services include consultation in implementing district programming to address universal concerns, support in talking with community professionals to create more unified services and access to care, and formal or informal trainings for staff and community members to increase mental health literacy (i.e. Mental Health First Aid, QPR, or school specific related concern). The Mental Health Consultant can also provide consultation and conceptualization services about individual students in both crisis and non-crisis situations. These consults can lead to assistance in classroom coaching, conversations with guardians, or other support professionals. The potential for clinical counseling services through CESA 10 is being explored.


Mental Health Consultant services are available through CESA 10 for all districts in the Chippewa Valley.

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CESA 10 currently has a mental health consultant on staff and immediately available to meet your unique student and district needs. Call today!

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Tonia Anderson Ruskin, Executive Director of Special Education and Pupil Services