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Superintendent Mentoring and Support

The position of school superintendent is like no other and the roles as varied and diverse as each school community. Whether new to the position or new to the region, CESA 10 is committed to supporting superintendents as they make the transition into the position.


CESA 10's superintendent support service provides new superintendents the opportunity to network and collaborate with others in similar roles. We provide support and guidance during new and challenging situations as superintendents establish themselves as transformative leaders. Periodic meetings throughout the superintendent's first year provide an opportunity for new superintendents to connect with other leaders and share ideas and best practices in the area of educational leadership, budgeting, legislative advocacy, community relations, planning, board relations and much more. There is no cost for this service.

hands on hands

Superintendents in CESA 10

kids at school

Superintendent annual turnover rate nationwide

teachers meeting at school

CESA 10 superintendent turnover rate for the past 3 years

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Charlie Schneider, Interim Agency Administrator
