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Business Services 

The Business Services Department of CESA 10 oversees agency-wide business functions in the areas of agency finances, human resources, and purchased services.  Administrative Services includes Information Technology services and the Wisconsin Regional Computing Center (WiRCC).


Title IX Policies and Resources



Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations or to make a report, please contact the Agency Title IX Coordinator, Connie Wislinsky, Executive Director of Business Services, 725 W Park Avenue, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, 715-720-2078.

hands on hands

Member districts

school kids

Highly qualified and licensed staff serve CESA 10 districts

3 people in a meeting

Students participated in Chippewa Valley Youth Apprenticeship

members cheering

Educators attended workshops in 2022-23

paper cut outs of people with hearts

In resources available through the IMC's collection

woman looking at her android phone

Referendum planning success rate.

Become Part of the Successful CESA 10 Family - Find Out How

Everyone's talking about CESA 10


"We had an engaging and productive strategic planning session with the team from CESA 10. We felt fortunate to have access to experts with both the inside knowledge of our district and the outside perspective we were looking for from a third party facilitator."
Anna Rybicki, Chippewa Valley Montessori Charter School Governance Board


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